Call for Symposium Proposals

The Canadian Nutrition Society (CNS) is seeking conference symposium proposals for its 2025 Annual Conference that will be held on May 8-10, 2025, in Montréal, Québec.

CNS invites proposal submissions from CNS members in good standing, and encourages symposia that reflects the basic science and clinical membership base and the incorporation of these perspectives in our sessions. Please note that only well-considered and complete proposals will be reviewed for consideration. The tremendous success of the conference year after year is due in large part to the efforts of submissions by its members addressing timely and cutting-edge advances in nutritional sciences. Further, CNS is committed to equity, diversity and inclusion in all aspects of the Society’s culture, operations and activities. As such we encourage submissions that include diversity in subject matter, as well as in speakers and moderators.

All conference session proposals are reviewed based on the following criteria:

* Knowledge Translation
Respecting the diversity of attendees from varying nutrition sectors, CNS is continuing to emphasize the importance of a knowledge translation component within each presentation (i.e., take away messages/what’s next, how to apply to practice). All session proposals require an explanation about knowledge translation opportunities within the session. As a guideline, speakers should aim for 20% of their presentations to focus on knowledge translation / take-away messages.

** Novelty/Cutting Edge sessions
Each year CNS receives an increasing number of session submissions for its annual conference. To help the planning committee prioritize, a focus on sessions that offer new, novel and cross-cutting ideas will take place. This will be important information to include within your session proposal. 

Session Chairs
Session Chairs play an important role in the smooth planning and delivery of sessions. The CNS staff team is very reliant on Chairs who are fully engaged and serve as a representative of the session speakers. The Planning Committee will be choosing Chairs for each session carefully and welcomes suggestions via the session proposals. Preference should be on identifying Chairs who are CNS members in good standing and will fully engage in:

Session Format
The CNS conference is organized into underlying themes: biomedical, clinical, regulatory/policy and community.  When submitting your proposal, please identify the category that best aligns with the session theme.

The following session formats are available:

The preferred format can be chosen from the list of options within the Proposal Submission tool. Note that CNS may also assign a session to a different format than what was indicated within the original submission.

All sessions presented will be presented in English. 

Proposals are due Friday, October 18, 2024 at 11:59pm ET.

Submit Proposal