The Canadian Nutrition Society (CNS) 2025 Annual Conference

Sponsored Satellite Program Opportunities

Montréal, Québec
May 8-10, 2025

The Canadian Nutrition Society (CNS) delivers nutrition science and education through a variety of initiatives, including its Annual Conference.  All CNS education programming is reviewed and approved by respective CNS committees. As with all sector stakeholders, CNS considers and values industry partner engagement, including during its Annual Conference, while being committed to maintaining responsible and transparent processes with respect to support received from partners/sponsors.

CNS Sponsored Conference Satellite Sessions provide education opportunities for external groups, such as industry, commodity groups, or other relevant stakeholders, to showcase research findings and engage in dialogue with a dedicated nutrition science and practice community, including scientists, healthcare professionals, policy makers, other National Governing Organizations (NGOs), industry and trainees. 

Sponsored Satellite Sessions are considered part of the official CNS Annual Conference program, but clearly labelled as organized with sponsors. CNS does not endorse the content presented or their proceedings, publications, etc. CNS also clearly states that the views expressed by speakers are those of the speaker or third-party and not necessarily of CNS. 

Learn more:

Proposal Criteria

All conference session proposals, including proposals for Sponsored Satellite Sessions, are reviewed by CNS based on the following criteria:

CNS reserves the right to accept, reject or condition acceptance, based on CNS’s sole discretion, for any reason, which need not be disclosed to the applicant.

All sessions must adhere to the CNS Conference Sponsored Satellite Sessions guidelines, including those listed on this page, and with the CNS Commitment to working with industry partners and sponsors.

Once the application for a Sponsored Satellite Session has been approved by CNS, the event title, speakers and content may not change without CNS approval. Sponsors are responsible for the coordination of their satellite symposia, with support from the session Moderator/Chair (individual to be approved by CNS).

Note that submission of a session proposal does not constitute approval/acceptance of your Sponsored Satellite Sessions. Individuals will be notified of the outcome of their proposal by approximately December 16, 2024. Note that CNS may reach out with questions during the review period.

Sponsored Satellite Session Application

Submitting a Satellite Session Proposal: Individuals interested in submitting a proposal for a hosted Sponsored Satellite Session must do so via the online CNS Conference Proposal submission portal. Each proposal will require:

Session proposals should accurately reflect the content and objectives of the proposed session, and should be as thorough/complete as possible.

* The CNS Conference Organizing Committee and/or CNS Ethics/Sponsor Committee will review each proposal and assign a Session Chair. The Session Chair will play an important role in supporting the planning and delivery of the Sponsored Satellite Session. Read more re: Session Chairs below.  

** Sponsored Session fees may include a collaboration of up to three sponsors. Additional collaborators will have an added surcharge fee. This surcharge fee may be waived if the collaborator engages in other sponsorship activities and / or if two individuals from each collaborating organization will be registering to attend the conference. Sessions with more than one sponsor must provide a logo reflecting all sponsors in one image

Role of Session Chairs/Moderators

Session Chairs

Session Chairs play an important role in the smooth planning and delivery of sessions. The CNS staff team is depends on Chairs to be fully engaged and serve as a representative of the session speakers. The Planning Committee will choose Chairs for each session carefully and welcomes suggestions via the session proposals. Preference should be on identifying Chairs who are CNS members in good standing and will fully engage in:

Other Guidelines for Sponsored Satellite Sessions 

Sponsored Satellite Session Content

Key Dates

Sponsored Satellite Sessions Schedule and Fees

The scheduling of satellite symposia is at the discretion of the CNS Conference Planning Committee. The following draft time slots have been identified for Sponsored Satellite Sessions. The actual placement and time allotment will be determined when establishing the overall program.  The time slots have been identified during meal time periods. Program space is limited. CNS reserves the right to adjust Sponsored Satellite Session times to accommodate the overall conference program schedule.

Date *



Friday, May 9, 2025 7:30am - 8:40am ET $22,500
Friday, May 9, 2025 12:30pm - 1:40pm ET $22,500
Saturday, May 10, 2025 7:30am - 8:40am ET $22,500
Saturday, May 10, 2025 12:30pm - 1:40pm ET $22,500
* Time slots are estimates and are likely to change as the final program is developed.
** Sponsored Session fees may include a collaboration of up to three sponsors. Additional collaborators will have an added surcharge fee. This surcharge fee may be waived if the collaborator engages in other sponsorship activities and / or if two individuals from each collaborating organization will be registering to attend the conference. Sessions with more than one sponsor must provide a logo reflecting all sponsors in one image
*** See list of inclusions/exclusions below.  Packages can also be created to include other conference sponsorship opportunities. Please contact Andrea Grantham to discuss.

Session inclusions/exclusions

The Sponsored Satellite Session Fee includes:

  • Satellite session listed in the conference program (web and print)
  • Session promotion via CNS’ website, on eblasts, in conference promotional materials, online mobile program and to pre-registered conference attendees
  • Conference registration for up to two Speakers. Additional speakers will be billed extra
  • Standard audio-visual set-up
  • Pre-set Function space
  • One (1) professionally produced session sign (produced by CNS) outside the room in which the event will take place
  • One sponsor logo to be profiled. In the case of a session collaboration with more than one sponsor, a logo must be supplied to CNS reflecting the session sponsors in one image.*
  • A basic food and beverage meal will be ordered by CNS - Sponsored Satellite Sponsors have the opportunity to supplement the meal offering for an additional fee
  • Session recordings are available for an additional fee
  • Dedicated promotions (i.e., eblast) can be included for an additional fee

X The Sponsored Satellite Session Fee does NOT include:

  • Speaker travel, accommodations and related reimbursements. Speaker travel, accommodations and reimbursements must be coordinated directly between the speakers and the sponsor(s) (not CNS)
  • Speaker honoraria. If honoraria is provided, speakers must disclose this at the start of their talks
  • Satellite Session Sponsors and their guests are expected to register as a full conference or 1-day attendee registration. No “passes” for the session will be provided. In the case of sessions with more than one participating sponsor, each participating sponsor is expected to register to attend (minimum one attendee per sponsor organization)
  • Meeting agenda/handouts or distributing and preparation of materials
  • Session recordings are not included but can be offered  for an additional fee

Use and placement of the sponsor logo must be approved by CNS. No product/brand promotion is allowed on promotional materials, educational materials or verbal/print materials. If there is a need to mention an industry, product or brand during the session presentation (i.e. methodology, transparency,) this needs to be explained to the session Chair and approval received from CNS.

Sponsored Satellite Session Hosting

Function Space

Room set up will be dictated by available space. Typically, rooms are set in classroom and/or rounds. Room set and capacity limits are subject to change. Specific requests for room set up must be submitted in writing no later than February 13, 2025, are subject to approval and additional room set fees, and are not guaranteed. CNS will strive to provide satellite session organizers with access to rooms at least 30 minutes prior to the start of the program. A prompt exit of the satellite organizers and speakers after the program will be required due to the program schedule.

Audio Visual

Function space will be set with CNS’ standard meeting room audio visual equipment: LCD projector, screen, laptop, one aisle microphone, head table with 1 table microphone, lectern with 1 microphone, laser pointer. Due to time and cost constraints, equipment cannot be moved, disconnected or reset. Requests for additional equipment must be submitted in writing no later than February 13, 2025, are subject to approval and are not guaranteed. Sponsor will be responsible for resulting additional expenses. Video recording can be made available for an additional fee.

Food and Beverage

CNS will coordinate all food and beverage requests. The sponsorship fee will cover a basic Food & Beverage order. Any additional requests will be at the expense of the Sponsored Satellite Sponsor to be either billed additionally by CNS or be billed via the host facility. CNS will facilitate introductions to the key contacts for food and beverage services.


Session promotion will take place via CNS’ website, on eblasts, in printed conference materials, online mobile program and to pre-registered conference attendees. CNS is not responsible for attendance/audience generation and does not guarantee attendance levels at Sponsored Satellite Sessions.

The Canadian Nutrition Society (CNS) name, logo, or other identifying marks may not be used in signs, advertising, or promotions in any media, or on product literature without the CNS’ prior approval and express written permission. CNS will supply approved Sponsored Satellite Program promotional language and branding that can be used by organizers.

Marketing of program by satellite organizers

CNS must review and approve all promotional materials produced in conjunction with the Sponsored Satellite Sessions prior to their dissemination. CNS has the right to reject such promotional materials at its sole discretion. A minimum of three (3) business days are required for CNS review of promotional materials. Requests should be sent to


CNS will provide one promotional sign to be displayed onsite. Signage will include “Program Title: Sponsor Name”. Design and placement of additional signs by satellite organizer is subject to CNS and venue approval. A minimum of three (3) business days are required for CNS review.

One sponsor logo to be profiled. In the case of a session collaboration with more than one sponsor, a logo must be supplied to CNS reflecting the session sponsors in one image.


Shipping and receiving of materials, and all associated expenses will be the responsibility of the satellite session organizer. No materials should be shipped to CNS’ attention without prior approval. CNS will provide shipping instructions by March 16, 2025.