Call for Symposium Proposals

Important:  Please read the overview instructions within the Call for Symposium Proposals thoroughly before submitting a proposal. Please note that only well-considered and complete proposals will be reviewed for consideration.

Proposals are due Friday, October 18, 2024 at 11:59pm ET.

All sessions will be presented in English. 

Remarque importante : Veuillez lire attentivement les instructions générales dans Appel à propositions de présentations avant de soumettre une proposition. Veuillez noter que seules les propositions complètes et réfléchies seront examinées pour évaluation.

Les propositions doivent être soumises au plus tard le vendredi 18 octobre 2024  à 23 h 59 (HE)

Toutes les sessions seront présentées en anglais.

Contact Information

Title: *

First Name: *
Last Name: *
University / Organization: *
Address: *
City: *
Province: *
Postal Code: *
Telephone: *
Email: *

Session Information

All sessions presented in English.
Session Title: *
Session Description: *
Learning Objectives (minimum of three): *

Session Format

Session Format: *

*Regular concurrent sessions are 60 mins in length – brief introduction, followed by two invited speakers and a Q&A period.

**Plenary sessions are 75-90 mins in length – brief introduction, followed by approximately two invited speakers and an emphasis on audience interactivity and engagement (i.e., panel discussions, interactive Q & A sessions).

Session Category

This session theme best matches: *

Speakers and Chair

CNS encourages symposia that reflects the basic and clinical membership and the incorporation of these perspectives in our sessions. Please identify potential speakers and their perspectives. Each speaker must include a portion of their talk to focus on Knowledge Translation/Applying to practice.

Speakers will be formally invited by CNS.

Session Chair: If your session is accepted, are you willing to serve as a Session Chair (please see overview of Chair expectations). *
(Typically a CNS member in good standing.)


It is encouraged that you contact the proposed speakers in advance of submitting the session to confirm that they would be available and willing to participate if the session is chosen.

NOTE: All CNS Conference Speakers and Chairs are required to complete a Confidentiality and Conflict of Interest (COI)/Disclosure Statement and include a slide with this information at the start of the session/talk. This is an important step in our goal to be transparent in all CNS activities, and to remain a credible and respected organization. Further, each speaker will be asked to thoroughly present their disclosure statement at the start of each presentation.

1: *

2: *

NOTE: Generally, two speakers plus a moderator are approved for each concurrent session. In certain instances, a third speaker may be approved by the conference planning committee when the rationale can be justified. If applicable to your proposal, indicate the 3rd speaker you would like to have considered.


Are you willing to accept one abstract/poster/postdoctoral scholar submission to be included in the session (if relevant topic is available)? *


CNS approaches sponsors to engage in the annual conference to offset delivery costs and enable registration rates to be as affordable as possible. If possible, please indicate potential sponsors who may wish to support the CNS Annual Conference, as a Satellite Session sponsor or in other conference sponsor capacities (i.e., break or meal sponsor, award sponsor, exhibitor, or general sponsor). Please provide the organization’s name(s) and contact information (if available). PLEASE NOTE: CNS has clear sponsorship Guidelines that outline how we work with sponsors. You can also see the CNS Sponsor Prospectus HERE.